Galliani at work on Radonjic-Monza situation

Adriano Galliani is reportedly working tirelessly to bolster his football club, Monza, particularly in the attacking department. After Maldini, Nemanja Radonjic, the Serbian forward, could be Monza’s next catch.

Radonjic is speculated to be on his way out from Torino FC and might utilise the ongoing transfer window for a fresh start in Italian football. His relationship with the manager, Ivan Juric, is said to be strained, even though Juric had only recently praised Radonjic in a pre-game press conference against Genoa.

Yet, with Galliani at the helm of Monza’s management, it seems highly likely that he will add another key player to Palladino’s squad and boost the stock of attacking midfielders at the coach’s disposal.

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