Mazzarri urges Kvara and Osimhen to step up, says Napoli constantly provoking

Following the Napoli-Monza match, Walter Mazzarri, the coach of Napoli, expressed his concerns about the game in an interview with Dazn.

Mazzarri called for focus on the present performance instead of dwelling on past issues. He pointed out the continuous provocation against his players, Osimhen and Kvara.

In a notable segment of the conversation, he said, “Show the image where they hold [him] for 20 minutes and are not warned. It’s a particular moment, we are not lucid and it was seen in the opportunities we wasted today.” This quote originates from the Dazn interview, as Mazzarri voiced his frustration over the referees’ decisions.

Moreover, Mazzarri highlighted his grievances about Kvara being held for a quarter of an hour, with none of the opponents being warned. According to him, by the 84th minute, the persistent foul play resulted in the expulsion of the coach, despite a glaring foul against his team.

The Napoli coach expressed his tiredness of the lack of appropriate action after such violations, emphasising these issues for the fifth time without any significant changes.

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