Italian Giant Shows Interest in Genoa’s Gudmundsson

According to today’s edition of “Gazzetta dello Sport,” Inter Milan is preparing to negotiate a deal for Genoa’s Albert Gudmundsson.

Inter Milan’s strategy will reportedly adopt a similar approach used by them previously with other young talents. Gudmundsson may likely be allowed to continue playing with Genoa for another season, given the age of the youngster and the tremendous amount of potential he possesses.

They are thought to be considering a buy-back scheme, first used by the club in dealing with Giovanni Fabbian, currently owned by Bologna, but always retained under Nerazzurri team’s supervision. It enabled the team to have set a pre-agreed buy-back price.

The feasibility of this plan will be looked into over the next few weeks, but the Genoa-Inter transfer negotiations will follow this blueprint. Genoa gets a replacement for their main striker while Inter avoid a large upfront payment and gain almost a guaranteed chance to re-sign the young prodigy when ready.

The report points to an interesting detail, stating that a £20 million bid from Fiorentina for the same player was turned down in January. This implies that any deal involving the Argentinian prodigy at this stage must also include a provision for a future return to the Nerazzurri.

For the time being, all attention is focussed on the upcoming 2024-25 season.

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