Inter, Arnautovic’s best game: Inspires teammates

Marko Arnautovic demonstrated his exemplary performance in Inter’s match against Genoa. His commendable performance was not only because of the goal he scored, but his tenacious struggle for every ball.

According to Italian sports newspaper Tuttosport, Arnautovic played a crucial role in holding up the attack. He shielded the ball well and frequently set his teammates free with substantial passes, as evident in his early game throw to Mkhitaryan. A score of 6.5 demonstrated an invigorated confidence in him.

They described, “The goal was so straightforward it seemed trivial, the same can’t be said about a couple of quite inspired plays to free up his teammates. This is his best performance since he began wearing Nerazzurro.” This praise from Tuttosport is of particular significance as it highlights Arnautovic’s growth and robust performance in the match against Genoa for Inter Milan.

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