Genoa’s Gudmundsson: Good season, but we can do more

In a conversation about Genoa’s current season, with discussions on the club’s highs, lows, and their determination to perform better, the club’s player Gudmundsson spoke to La Repubblica today.

Gudmundsson expressed satisfaction with the initial part of the team’s season but asserted that more can be done to improve their performance. He told La Repubblica, “The first part of the season was good, but I want to do even better.”

He acknowledged that Genoa’s current tally of 21 points is decent but stated that the club had let go of points in the final minutes of several games. Gudmundsson’s statement underscored the need for continuous dedication and determination even in the face of challenges, saying the team’s recent promotion did not signify a reason to relax.

“We are newly promoted, sure, but this doesn’t mean we should relax, we need to keep pushing because I believe we can rise even higher,” he added. The phrase highlights his optimism for the club’s potential to attain a higher position and his desire to stir his team to keep striving for better results.

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