Genoa’s Gilardino reveals number of players recovered for match against Monza

Alberto Gilardino, the head coach of Genoa, has revealed updates on his team ahead of their match against Monza, during a press conference.

He indicated that the squad has welcomed back a number of players. The coach’s statement implied some optimism, pointing out that some key players have rejoined the team trainings.
“We have regained some players. Messias has an additional week of training with the team, Albert has returned, and Bani has been training with the team for two days now,” shared Gilardino during the press conference.

He made it evident the importance of these players, not just for their technical skills, but also their human qualities. He highlighted that their return has significantly bolstered the team spirit. “These are players with immense technical and human quality. Being able to work with the entire, strong team block has been important.”

Gilardino stressed that all matches hold their importance, indicating an equal focus on future games as well. “The match tomorrow and the ones in the future are all very significant.”

The Genoa coach acknowledges the quality of the opposition they face in Monza. He hinted that his players should accentuate their skills and operate as a solid unit when under pressure. When it comes to taking the initiative, his side needs to be skilled and alert.

Regarding Bani, Gilardino was more cautious. He said, “Bani will be with us, after which I will make evaluations. I still have the afternoon training to make decisions. He will be in the right condition training with the squad but he is important for the group, so he will be with us.”

Gilardino’s updates suggest a blend of optimism and caution, as his side looks to face substantial challenges at home and further down the season.

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