Genoa, Zangrillo: Dream big, our colors help us to be happy at all times

Alberto Zangrillo, President of Genoa Football Club, has addressed fans of the red and blue team via the club’s official social media accounts.

He began his message with a decidedly festive spirit, marking not just any holiday season, but his third Christmas as President of the club. Zangrillo chose to focus on the positive during these uncertain times. He urged supporters to harbour grand dreams as their shared team colours can inspire happiness at all stages of life.

The football club president then went on to challenge fans. He said, “For this Christmas, I ask you to make an additional effort to bring joy, let’s all share a smile.” This part of his heartfelt message was followed by a personal note.

He thanked everyone for their unwavering affection towards him and the club. As a promise for the future, Zangrillo reiterated his commitment to do his best to live up to the expectations of the Genoa faithful.

To conclude his remarks, Zangrillo extended festive well wishes to all associated with the club, saying, “Merry Christmas to all.” These comments were taken directly from the social media statement that was initially released in Italian.

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