Genoa-Juve, Miretti at 45′: We can’t be satisfied with this advantage

Following the first half of the match against Genoa, midfielder Fabio Miretti from Juventus has taken the time to share some comments on the game’s progress. Miretti’s statements were captured by the DAZN microphones on-site.

Miretti is said to have stressed the importance of the position Juventus found themselves in at the half-time stage. He said, “This is significant as it provides us with a touch more tranquillity going into the interval.”

However, Miretti emphasised that there’s still much work to be done as he added, “But we know that there are still 45 minutes left, and we mustn’t be complacent.” The midfielder’s cautious optimism underlines the team’s focus and commitment to maintain their performance in the remaining part of the match.

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