Cagliari, Ranieri: No bad luck, we will fight until the end

Following the clash against Empoli, Cagliari’s manager Claudio Ranieri spoke out about the game. He made his statements available to the media via Sky Sport.

Reflecting on the match, Ranieri maintained a positive outlook, despite the draw. “We played a good game. We were skilful and knowledgeable about their movements and played shot for shot,” he disclosed. Post half-time, however, he believes they improved immensely, making several chances but alas they went without payoff. According to Ranieri, patience is a virtue here and he confirmed they “will fight until the end.”

Discussing strategy, Ranieri recounted his decisions. He mentioned player Luvumbo, implying his involvement was a strategic move to exert pressure on Empoli, reiterating their aim to restrict Empoli’s opportunities near their own area. Touching on penalties, Ranieri conceded that it may not be their time moment-wise, nonetheless showing faith in his team’s tenacity. He commended their relentless commitment, while acknowledging the lack of full results, yet assured they will not back down.

In conclusion, despite the draw, Claudio Ranieri appears confident in his team’s capabilities and strategies and promises a fighting spirit moving forward, regardless of past challenges. Setting their sights on the future games, Cagliari’s unwavering morale is clear with the promise to keep striving hard, as highlighted in Ranieri’s remarks.

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