Verona’s Baroni suggests Sabatini’s exit could have been avoided

Marco Baroni, Hellas Verona’s head coach, took the stage in a press conference ahead of the team’s forthcoming clash against Salernitana. The star of the press conference was undoubtedly Baroni’s addressing of recent tensions surrounding Salernitana’s new director and a Verona player.

He stated, “Clearly, certain things can’t entirely go unnoticed, such as Salernitana’s new director, Sabatini, commenting on one of our players. He might have saved his words, but it’s all part of the game and he might have done it deliberately”, as reported in the press conference.

Baroni went on to discuss his focus on ensuring every team member is 100% concentrated on the field. However, he did not directly respond to Sabatini’s comments. Instantly drawing the audience’s attention back to the upcoming match with Salernitana, he highlighted how paramount on-field concentration is to his strategy. The head coach didn’t shy away from addressing any controversies but did quickly redirect the conversation back to the football.

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