Vaciago pays tribute to Vialli: a leader as wise as he was great

Tuttosport’s Director, Vaciago, has penned a heartfelt tribute to former Juventus captain Vialli, exactly one year after his passing.

Drawing a comparison between current Juventus star Cristiano Ronaldo and the late captain, Vaciago said, “People say when you have Cristiano Ronaldo on your team, you’re assured or nearly assured of starting each match from 1 to 0.” According to today’s edition of the Turin-based newspaper, the director stated that the sentiment is fundamentally correct.

However, Vaciago highlighted a subtle difference while remembering Vialli, “With Vialli, it was similar, but not the same. When Gianluca was the leader of Lippi’s Juventus, having him on the team meant being directly assured of winning, or nearly so. And only those who lived through that period know that this corresponds to the truth.”

He described Vialli as more than a striker – a player who drove his team forward, removing any fear. Vaciago celebrated Vialli’s legacy as a man and a player who never sought personal glory but strived for collective success.

Vaciago went on to recall the sadness that the news of Vialli’s death brought a year ago. He spoke of Vialli’s teachings on winning, losing, and life. “Vialli taught us how to win and how to lose, just as he taught us a little about living and dying.”

He stressed how Vialli’s legacy has lightened the weight of sadness they carry, making them wiser and even happier over the past twelve months. As final words of his tribute, he cautioned against making Vialli a philosopher or a secular saint, something Vialli himself would have laughed off. Instead, he suggested remembering Vialli as a friend who was always there when needed and who gave good advice.

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