Turin, former deputy discusses Juric: Says he has changed over the years

Alberto Corradi, former assistant to Torino’s manager Ivan Juric at Crotone and Genoa, has offered some enlightening insights about the respected coach, in a recent interview with Tuttosport.

Corradi lauds Juric not just for his approach to tactics and physical preparation, but primarily as a leader, and one with an extraordinary ability to inspire. He recalls a crucial pre-match speech at Crotone against Como.

“In the fields, I have rarely seen a coach who works with intensity like him. In Mantova, he had physically exhausted his players but has somewhat eased up over time.” However, “before he is a tactics maniac or athletics preparation enthusiast, he is a true leader,” Corradi stated. “At Crotone, before the decisive game against Como for elevation, his speech still gives me goosebumps. He communicated to the players the importance of playing for their people, their city, and an environment that had been waiting to reach Serie A for a lifetime. He ignited feelings they had not even envisaged.”

Corradi declared that despite Juric’s reputation as a stern taskmaster, his players, including those who did not often make it onto the pitch, felt an unconditional love for him, symbolised by midfielder Adrian Stoian.

Adrian was a central figure in Juric’s Crotone team but fell out of favour upon the arrival of Raffaele Palladino in January. “Stoian and Palladino were two strong characters and even had their differences, but a beautiful bond remained between them. Sincere to the core,” Corradi added.

He did not miss the opportunity to emphasize the intense affection and profound respect he harbours for his former boss, concluding, “Juric is not at all harsh. Even those who played less often felt an unconditional love for him.”.

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