Torino, Juric: Not the most beautiful victory, there have been many

Following Torino’s home victory over Napoli, head coach Ivan Juric shared his thoughts with DAZN on the team’s performance and future plans.

Juric remarked, “This isn’t the most beautiful victory; there have been many. The expulsion made things a bit simpler today, but I’ve experienced many beautiful games leading Toro.” He emphasized their need to raise their fitness levels and work harder, as in their game in Florence where they dominated without securing a win. The coach, consequently, stressed that the team put up a good fight in this match, but they need to maintain this level of work and self-belief going forward.

The Torino boss was keen on looking towards their next match against Genoa and was not caught up in the accolades from the club president. “We need to think about the next match against Genoa, a team with an incredible spirit. After that, we have a break for the Supercup where we’ll thoroughly analyze our strategies. The president is a fan, always with us. There are no requests from him,” Juric said.

The coach highlighted the need to keep their ambition high this year, pointing out that they’ve had some excellent games, albeit losing some undeservedly. He stressed on the team needing to put in their best and score some “dirty goals” to be closer to the powerhouse teams and hopeful to avoid injuries or problems.

Juric also mentioned their decision to play with two forwards to improve their play and their success in finding new attacking solutions. He cheerfully added, “They’re doing well, we’re having fun, and there’s a sense we’re much more dangerous than before. There are also many midfielders who attack, I’m pleased.” It appears improving their offense and being more dangerous going forward have been top priorities for Juric at Torino.

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