Torino in Negotiations for Pinamonti: Sassuolo Sets the Price

The most recent discussions around the agreement between Torino and Sassuolo for Andrea Pinamonti’s contract at the end of the season suggests progress. As reported in today’s edition of Tuttosport, Torino has launched initial discussions with Sassuolo for Andrea Pinamonti.

It’s revealed that the maroons are willing to meet the black and green’s demand of between 15 and 20 million euros. “Torino has started conversations with Sassuolo for Andrea Pinamonti as the current season draws to a close,” stated Tuttosport.

An agreement could significantly bolster Torino’s squad and improve their competitive edge for the next season. The details of the potential transfer deal continue to evolve, but it’s clear that any operation involving a transfer amount in the range of 15 to 20 million euros could profoundly impact both clubs.

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