Shomurodov says: “Cagliari moment? In Serie A, you don’t have space and time to recover because there are very strong opponents.”

Eldor Shomurodov, the striker owned by Roma and on loan to Cagliari, spoke to Domus Rossoblù about the moment of the Sardinians in Serie A.

MOMENTUM – “We have always made mistakes in the various matches, in Serie A you don’t have space and time to recover because there are very strong opponents who punish you. Now we are behind and we have to climb back up by working hard, the field and results will speak for us.”

RANIERI – “He gives us great motivation, it is a privilege to be able to work with a monument like him. We must follow him, he knows what needs to be done and how to manage these moments, he has experienced many in Italy and abroad, playing for the top teams but also for survival. As he said, now is the time to react, work, talk less, and give everything for this shirt.”


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