Ratcliffe launches Manchester United: Now aiming to return to world’s top

Jim Ratcliffe is the new shareholder of Manchester United Football Club and he announced ambitious future plans for the club to the official media channels of Manchester United.

Ratcliffe stated that this project is long-term and they are well aware of the challenges and hard work ahead. He emphasised that they would tackle these with rigour, professionalism, and passion.

He said, “We make a commitment to work with everyone in the Club: the Board, staff, players and fans to help move the Club forward.”

Adding to the massive expectation from the Club, Ratcliffe boldly announced the target to take Manchester United back to where it belongs – to the peaks of English, European, and World Football.

He said, “Our collective ambition is clear: we all want to see Manchester United return to the place where it belongs, at the top of English, European, and World Football.”

The details of these future plans have not been revealed yet, but it’s clear from the statements that emotions run high at Old Trafford as they look forward to the Club’s new era.

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