Parma, Pecchia: We’ve laid the groundwork to reach the goal and join Serie A, but…

Parma’s manager, Fabio Pecchia, has spoken to La Gazzetta dello Sport about the current state of play for the Serie B team.

Pecchia discussed the challenges that still lie ahead for the team. He disclosed, “There’s a lot of work to do, we can say that we’ve laid the groundwork for reaching our goal and getting to Serie A, but it won’t be a walk in the park.”

The Parma coach also highlighted the multicultural composition of his squad. With a mix of many foreign players and few Italians, the team is laced with diverse languages and mindsets.

Pecchia is striving to make this team collective, which remains central to his project. The evidence of such efforts is perceivable on the field, as reflected in his statement to La Gazzetta dello Sport.

The manager is trying to instil a strong sense of belonging among the players, which he believes is crucial if they want to go the distance.

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