Osimhen’s agent: Historical renewal negotiations with Napoli

Roberto Calenda, agent of Napoli’s forward Victor Osimhen, has spoken to Italian newspaper Corriere dello Sport about the Nigerian player’s contract renewal.

Calenda described the negotiations with Napoli as “historic”. He expressed significant pleasure over the successful contract negotiation, which he believes is a testament to Osimhen’s extraordinary performance both on and off the field.

Calenda told Corriere dello Sport, “A word to define the negotiation with Napoli? Historic. Yes, I would say historic. Great work, great satisfaction. It is the recognition of what Osimhen has achieved and continues to do on the pitch: he is an exceptional player.”

This year, even despite an injury, Osimhen has continued to score goals. Calenda highlighted how the player’s contributions have not been taken for granted, especially considering the role he played in helping Napoli secure a trophy that had eluded them for 33 years.

“With his teammates, he has created something incredible,” Calenda added, emphasising Osimhen’s impactful contribution to the Italian team.

When asked about the value of Osikhmen’s release clause, Calenda chose to remain mum, insisting that the contract details are confidential.

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