Napoli training report reveals updates on Gaetano

This morning, Napoli football club has undergone vigorous training at the Konami Training Center, in preparation for their upcoming Serie A match against Salernitana. The official Napoli website provided a detailed report of the training session.

The report revealed that Napoli’s training took place early this morning at the SSCN Konami Training Center. The team began their session on the second pitch, focusing primarily on warm-ups and tactical skill-work. The entire squad, later on, moved to the first pitch for drills centered around possession.

As the session concluded, the players engaged in a small-scale match. Further team-specific updates were given, stating, “Olivera completed a personalised workout in the gym and Gaetano completed a tailored session on the pitch.”

With this level of preparation, Napoli seems determined and ready for their forthcoming Serie A match against Salernitana, scheduled for Saturday at Maradona Stadium at 3 pm.

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