Napoli Salernitana: A-banner tribute to Lavezzi from Curva A – PHOTOS

During the Napoli vs. Salernitana match, the A Stand of the Maradona stadium showed support to former Napoli striker Ezequiel Lavezzi, who is going through a challenging period.

Supporters unfurled a banner reading “Pocho Tieni Duro”, which roughly translates as “Pocho, Hang in there”. This public display of solidarity reflects the affection fans of the home side still have for the Argentine forward.

Twitter user Matteo Sorrentino posted an image of the banner with a message wishing Lavezzi finds his past tranquillity and the smile that always distinguished him. “A hug to Pocho Lavezzi that he may soon find serenity and the smile that has always distinguished him,” Sorrentino tweeted.

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