Napoli Calciomercato: Urgency and confidence for Samardzic

Napoli is edging closer to signing Samardzic from Udinese, only a few details left to be ironed out, according to La Gazzetta dello Sport. The Italian title holders started this transfer window on a high, with Mazzocchi being one of their new recruits, and now, their focus is on landing Udinese’s midfielder.

La Gazzetta dello Sport reports that while Napoli is in a hurry to seal the deal, there remains ‘trust in the positive outcome’. However, there are still minor frictions to resolve with Udinese, as they are demanding more guarantees than the current offer of 20 million plus 5 million in bonuses.

Discussions are still ongoing with the Serbian player’s father regarding image rights, but it’s highlighted that the gap between both parties is now minimal. The progress of this matter suggests that Napoli might soon be able to wrap up the deal for Samardzic.

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