Monza’s Palladino: Playing at San Siro with Milan is great, we have nothing to lose

Raffaele Palladino, the manager of Monza, has shared his thoughts ahead of their forthcoming fixture against AC Milan. His comments were made in an interview with Sportitalia.

The Monza coach acknowledged that Milan is a formidable team, saying, “Milan is a great team and when they face delicate moments they always manage to bring out something more.”

Palladino then expressed his team’s anticipation of the match, highlighting the fact that playing at San Siro presents an exciting opportunity. He stressed Monza’s ambition and readiness, coupled with an undeterred spirit as they have “nothing to lose.”

He put forward the team’s resolve by stating, “We aim to do well and maintain enthusiasm and solidity. We want to go and play our own game.”

The statements from Palladino came ahead of what promises to be a highly charged fixture as Monza is set to take on AC Milan, one of Italy’s most successful clubs.

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