Milan holds an advantage in their pursuit of Berardi, details revealed.

In a significant development, Domenico Berardi could potentially set his sights on a move to Milan during the upcoming transfer window, according to the renowned Italian sports daily La Gazzetta dello Sport. This could be viewed as a massive coup for AC Milan, given the valuable attributes Berardi brings to the table, not to mention the current dynamic state of Sassuolo.

Domenico Berardi’s potential transfer to Milan has been somewhat anticipated as one of the summer moves that Milan could pursue. It’s not just Berardi’s competence on the field that has lured Milan; it’s also the evolving scenario of Sassuolo that has spurred this interest.

La Gazzetta dello Sport reported, “Berardi’s potential move to Milan may materialise in the summer, considering not just the football proficiency of the player, but also the prevailing situation at Sassuolo.”

Should the transfer materialise, it would mark an impactful shift for AC Milan, re-stirring the roasting pan of the summer transfer window. However, for now, the transfer remains confined to speculations and rumours. But football fans worldwide and particularly those of Milan will be waiting anxiously for the transfer window to unfold the future of Berardi.

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