Materazzi criticises Bergonzi: Were you on holiday during Juve Bologna match?

Former Inter Milan defender Marco Materazzi has stepped up to defend the club against criticisms following their controversial win over Hellas Verona. The focus of the debate centers on an incident involving Bastoni and Duda – an encounter that former referee Bergonzi labelled as “the most serious mistake since the introduction of VAR”.

Taking to his personal Instagram account, Materazzi challenged Bergonzi’s assertion. He drew attention to a similar incident during a Juventus-Bologna match, involving Iling and Ndoye. Reposting the incident, the former Inter star suggested that critics like Bergonzi should weigh in on every match. “Given that you all feel like phenomena, from now on you are kindly asked to comment every Sunday! Thank you and always Forza Inter. Were you on vacation during this [incident]?”, wrote Materazzi.

This post starkly emphasizes the recurring debate around the use and effectiveness of VAR technology in the sport. At the heart of the issue is a call for consistency in making calls and fairness in judging players, regardless of the team they play for.

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