Marotta reportedly eyes Pinamonti as Inter’s latest target

Inter in Talks with Pinamonti for Summer Return

Inter Milan is already laying the groundwork for next season’s transfer market, and a familiar face could bolster their attacking options.

Reports from Gazzetta dello Sport have revealed that Andrea Pinamonti is a potential target for the summer transfer window.

Sources close to the matter suggest that the Inter management sees Pinamonti as a viable option to strengthen their forward line.

A return to the club is being seriously considered, as the striker has shown considerable growth and potential during his time away from the San Siro.

Pinamonti, who has previously donned the Inter jersey, could bring both skill and experience to the squad.

The Gazzetta dello Sport states, “The latest idea for the attack leads to Andrea Pinamonti,” highlighting the club’s interest in rekindling their relationship with the player.

This move would not only provide depth to their attack but also offer a player well-versed in the club’s ethos and playing style.

With the summer transfer window fast approaching, Inter’s preparations suggest they are aiming to assemble a formidable squad for the upcoming season.

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