Marelli following Roma-Napoli: Politano’s direct expulsion is very harsh

Former referee Luca Marelli has expressed his views on the contentious incidents during the Roma-Napoli match in an interview with DAZN.

Marelli said: “The direct expulsion of Politano is harsh. Conceptually, it’s valid due to the violent conduct exhibited, but in this context, it was rather a minor kick and, in my opinion, a warning would have sufficed.” He suggested that a lack of experience may have influenced the decision of the young referee Colombo.

The broadcaster DAZN reports that Marelli did not question the second expulsion of Osimhen for a second yellow card offence. This caution, he explained, is always given when a player, as in the case of El Shaarawy, restarts play after an opponent releases the ball late.

Additionally, Marelli underscored that the Nigerian player was previously cautioned for his untoward aggression. He emphasized that in this instance, it was justified to book Osimhen twice for his untimely tackles.

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