Inzaghi ahead of Juventus Salernitana: We have nothing to lose

Ahead of the Coppa Italia clash against Juventus, Filippo Inzaghi, the manager of Salernitana, spoke to Mediaset.

“‘This is a game we must enjoy, we have nothing to lose. We are playing against one of the strongest teams in Europe, we have to enjoy this evening,” said Inzaghi to the Italian media outlet, Mediaset.

However, Inzaghi hinted at the possibility of underused players being given a chance in this match. “There will be players who I unfortunately gave little space, today they can prove their worth,” he commented.

Inzaghi expressed confidence in his side’s performance. He projected, without direct quote, that a good game was anticipated but also admitted it needed to be perfect. Amidst the challenge ahead, Inzaghi acknowledged that it was not going to be easy, however, he highlighted that his team approached the game in high spirits after recent promising performance.

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