Inter’s Lautaro Martinez: We want to win everything

Following Inter’s victory against Lazio at the Olimpico, Argentine striker Lautaro Martinez shared his thoughts. In an interview with DAZN at the final whistle of the match, the Inter forward elaborated on various aspects of his current career and future aspirations.

Martinez extolled the quality of unity within the Inter squad. “A great friendship off the field leads to rapport on it. I’m not talking about Marcus alone, but the whole team,” he said. According to the Argentinian, creating a group that functions as a family is paramount and aids in achieving objectives. Martinez believes this solid camaraderie, which has been built over the years, deserves consistent cultivation and will gear them up for future success.

On the subject of the championship and objectives, Martinez was confident yet realistic. He acknowledged the increasing difficulties ahead but emphasized the importance of the strong start they have had to the season. “This is important for us to fight together for our objectives. And what are they? To win everything,” said the Argentine striker, outlining his ambitious vision.

Personal circumstances have also impacted Martinez’s performance on the field. He confessed that fatherhood and starting a family contributed significantly to his maturity, both within and outside the field of play.

The recent World Cup imparted an essential, albeit not positive, lesson for Martinez. His ankle injury prevented him from performing his best, but Martinez views this not as an excuse but a motive to work harder.

Regarding Juventus, Martinez maintained a respectful posture. He explained that Inter focuses primarily on their own team while acknowledging Juventus as a high-quality opponent that sometimes wins matches not so convincingly. Still, their quality merits respect.

As for the Champions League draw, Martinez was unfazed. “Any team is fine. For us to win, we need to do it against all,” he expressed with grit. In Martinez’s view, every challenge is an opportunity, and every opponent is a hurdle to overcome on the path to victory.

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