Inter-Verona: Mentana’s social media post suggests a change in perspective over Bastoni

Acclaimed journalist and avid Inter Milan fan, Enrico Mentana has taken to social media to discuss the controversial incident involving player Bastoni during Inter’s 2-1 victory.

Mentana’s statement suggested there could have been a potential foul or not. He said, “From this perspective, the matter significantly diminishes. Certainly, a team ‘favoured’ by the Var (as I read in many places) is not given a penalty against in the 99th minute precisely by Var’s decision.”

Mentana called on the Dazn broadcasting company, who control the Open Var recordings and particularly the images, to release the footage promptly for everyone’s benefit. It should be noted that the source of these quotes is a social media post by Mentana himself.

Despite the controversy, Inter Milan’s victory remains and it will be interesting to see any further developments should the footage from the Dazn cameras get released.

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