Immobile, captain’s words: Difficult moment, we need to regroup

Ciro Immobile, the captain of Lazio, has shared his perspectives on their defeat against Inter in an interview with Lazio Style Channel.

Immobile believed that despite their loss, Lazio had put up a strong performance. He said, “The result is one we accept because Inter is a strong team, but we had a great performance. We need to start from here to move forward.”

Immobile emphasized the need for the team to come together amidst challenging times. He said, “We lack results, which help uplift morale and turn events in your favour. It’s right that we unite during this tough moment.”

He further described his team’s performance as “balanced, fair, and fierce”. He added, “Then the incidents turn either well or bad.”

For more on Immobile’s post-match thoughts, refer to Lazio News 24.

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