Genoa-Juve: VAR audio on Malinovskyi’s avoided red card – ‘Foul and yellow, OK for me’

There was controversy surrounding a call made during the Genoa-Juve game, specifically regarding a non-issued red card to Malinovskyi. The incident was scrutinized on Open Var through the sports streaming service Dazn.

The VAR official was recorded saying, “He whistled for a foul. Let me see how he takes it… Good god! Put it in motion for me, Michael… he wanted to issue a foul and a yellow but doesn’t know the number. Let me see it, for me, it’s a foul and a yellow, alright. Let the foul go, yes, alright, alright. Foul and yellow.”

The official’s comments have caused some debate, indicating that perhaps Malinovskyi should have received a foul and a yellow card rather than the non-issued red card. This incident again brings into focus the role of VAR and the potential effects of calls on game outcomes.

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