Fiorentina Italian: Beautiful rankings. The market? Let’s see the opportunities

Fiorentina’s head coach, Vincenzo Italiano, shared his thoughts following the encounter with Monza in an interview with Sky Sport.

In the riveting match, Italiano stated, “Today was truly an extraordinary evening, at the beginning of the second half we adopted a system that we practice but had never used in a match.” Italiano’s words highlight their innovative strategy which was put to the test for the first time in this encounter.

Further emphasizing on their commitment, he added, “We showed pride and character, we wanted to gift ourselves a peaceful Christmas, goal achieved.” The Fiorentina head coach told Sky Sport that they aimed for calm festive celebrations, which they successfully got thanks to their impressive performance on the field.

He said they now look forward to “three days of tranquility with family,” and rejoice over their impressive place in the league.

In terms of potential transfers and the health of their player Dodo, Italiano said, “Without secrets or hiding anything, we wait to see how Dodo is doing. If he needs time, we’ll need a new solution on the right.” His words reflect the team’s concern for their player and their readiness to devise a Plan B.

Moreover, he acknowledged the rising talents like Pierozzi and Kayode. Clearly revealing his strategy, he said, “Pierozzi is a player we’re watching but he needs to play and he’s young, same as Kayode.” He concludes by hinting that they will continue to be on the lookout for opportunities as the transfer window comes to a close.

The statements made by Italiano not only reflect their team spirit and dedication to the game but also reveal their future plans in nurturing young talent and looking for possible new additions to the squad.

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