Euro 2032: Clash between FIGC, candidate cities and stakeholders

Following the joint assignment of UEFA EURO 2032 to the Italian federation (FIGC) and the Turkish federation (TFF), representatives from the 10 cities vying to host matches, along with other stakeholders, gathered for a workshop at the Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel in Rome.

Also present at the event were representatives from Cagliari Calcio, Juventus FC, SSC Napoli, AICA, ANCI, Assaeroporti, Aeroporti2030, Enac, Federalberghi, the Institute for Sports Credit, KPMG, Polimi, and Sport e Salute.

The workshop was opened by the General Secretary of FIGC, Marco Brunelli. He reiterated the prospect that UEFA EURO 2032 presents a significant opportunity for Italian football and the country’s system, as part of the ‘We Play as One’ campaign co-organised by Italy and Turkey.

UEFA EURO 2032 Project Manager Antonio Talarico and his team outlined the stages to be undertaken in the upcoming months by the candidate cities and stakeholders. The steps detailed included the relative processes of construction and modernisation of the stadiums, along with the choice of the venues to host the matches.

Progress monitoring of the project and the subsequent establishment of the Local Organisational Structure (LOS) were also on the agenda. As the preparatory work for UEFA EURO 2032 picks up pace, key decision-making entities continue to collaborate closely to ensure a smooth execution of plans for this major sports event.

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