D’Agostino: Arthur needed Fiorentina and he himself needed a team like the Viola

Former Fiorentina midfielder Gaetano D’Agostino has lauded the performance of Arthur amidst what he dubs an ‘exceptional season’ for the Brazilian.

In an interview with Radio FirenzeViola, D’Agostino praised Arthur, highlighting that his transfer to Fiorentina had been beneficial for both player and club.

D’Agostino emphasised Arthur’s vast improvements this season stating, “He has vastly improved in the lockdown phase, covering many kilometres.” He added that the midfielder was playing at an incredibly high level.

According to the former Fiorentina player, even when Arthur is a substitute, he proves that he is indispensable to the team.

He suggested that many people thought Arthur was just passing through Fiorentina but on the contrary, he has been able to fully immerse himself in the team, showing immense growth and potential at one of Italy’s premier clubs.

“Arthur needed Fiorentina just as much as Fiorentina needed him,” D’Agostino said.

D’Agostino also drew attention to the fact that some players need the right amount of time and the correct coach to truly showcase their talents. In his opinion, some gifted players, like Arthur, just need periods of time to adjust and really come into their form.

On Arthur’s current form, D’Agostino referred to him as being the ‘real Arthur’, demonstrating a clear return to form.

He concluded his remarks by suggesting a hypothetical midfield duo of Arthur and Amrabat, which according to him, would’ve been the perfect pairing.

This interview, held on Radio FirenzeViola, puts Arthur’s current form and its impact on Fiorentina into perspective, not only from a fan standpoint but also through the eyes of an experienced former player.

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