Criscitiello: Terrible year for Gravina, Mancini’s -10 to Juve and more – System no longer credible

Prominent football journalist, Michele Criscitiello, has criticised the Italian Football Federation (FIGC), following a disappointing year for the organisation. In his editorial for, he expressed his views on the issues plaguing Italian football of late.

Criscitiello harshly commented, “It’s been a horrendous year for the Federation.” He highlighted the loss of credibility following the departure of Robert Mancini, after the keys of Coverciano were figuratively handed to him. He was also highly critical of Italy’s lacklustre performance, qualifying for the international tournament by what he described as a “divine miracle”.

“Juventus’ penalty management was indecent and parochial. It doesn’t create a fuss like Juventus does, but Reggina’s exclusion from the Serie B championship deserves a Republic Prosecutor’s inquiry,” Criscitiello added, further criticising the handling of domestic club affairs.

The journalist went on to question Sampdoria’s inclusion in the same championship as Reggina. He suggested that these issues have caused a loss of faith in the system, largely blaming the FIGC.

He concluded by highlighting the outdated laws governing Italian football. Criscitiello suggested that this has resulted in the failure of the country to produce new players, while also unsuccessfully chasing marketing opportunities. In an emphatic ending, he referenced the failure of women’s football, potentially pointing towards a lack of inclusivity within the sport.

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