Carnevali: Berardi will stay at Sassuolo, Mourinho was wrong about him

Giovanni Carnevali, the CEO of Sassuolo, has given an exclusive interview to Italian newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport, in which he discusses the future of star player Domenico Berardi and the club’s plans.

Carnevali is aware that speculation regarding Berardi’s potential move in the January transfer window is high. However, he is adamant about his intentions for the window. He told La Gazzetta dello Sport: “I’m not selling him, I can say that now. In January, I don’t plan to sell anyone, we’ll see how we can intervene based on the opportunities that arise.”

He also addressed his own future with Sassuolo. Every time we meet, you ask me when I am moving to a bigger club. Despite receiving several interesting offers over the years, Carnevali asserts, “I feel this club is also mine even though it isn’t. We have built a great club step by step, owning our stadium, a wonderful sports centre, and having eleven consecutive championships in Serie A. For me, Sassuolo is a matter of heart.”

Regarding Sassuolo’s previous high-profile sales, Carnevali jokingly said that maybe he is good at negotiating. But he acknowledged that in the past years, the club has sold very strong, and therefore expensive players.

Carnevali also reiterated his faith in the club’s coach, Alessio Dionisi. He said that in a club like theirs, the coach is always the most important person because they share the project and carry it forward with enthusiasm and dedication.

On the topic of Mourinho’s comments on Berardi, Carnevali said: “I was sorry to hear certain words from a great coach. For us, education and respect are the basis of everything and no one can teach us these things.”

As for Berardi’s future in the club, Carnevali admitted that Berardi is a serious guy and a great professional who cares a lot about Sassuolo. He revealed that there was no need for a discussion after the quiet summer; sometimes, silence speaks louder than words, especially between those who know each other well and respect each other like they do.

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