Calciomercato: Agents to earn 808 million in commissions by 2023

In a significant development for football, FIFA’s International Transfer Report shows an impressive surge in agent commissions in 2023. This is reported as the year when the football transfer market rebounded to spending unparalleled since the pre-Covid times and even set new records, according to La Gazzetta dello Sport. The report published by FIFA indicates that the total expenditure towards agent commissions reached a staggering €808 million.

Unsurprisingly, the Premier League sits atop the chart of spenders, shelling out €255.95 million. The following Championship, Serie A, spent €105 million, with €73.87 million on arrivals and €31.41 million on departures.

Germany’s Bundesliga features after Serie A, but the real surprise took the fourth spot. The Saudi Pro League has emerged as a new playing field for agents, spending €78.25 million.

Interestingly, there has also been an uptick in agent commissions in women’s football. Although the figure might seem modest at €1.4 million, it has quintupled compared to the figure in 2019, according to the report. This shows growth not just in men’s football but also in the women’s game which is a positive sign for the future of the sport.

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