Borriello: Gasperini is a football master, he is the best along with Conte

Former striker Marco Borriello, renowned for his time in Serie A, has opened up about his experiences with Gian Piero Gasperini and Antonio Conte to Rds.

Borriello spoke candidly about his past, presenting his view on taking a sabbatical and reflecting on his career. “If you retire knowing you’ve worked hard and you also take a few years off, you live it peacefully and that’s what I did. Now I want to get back in the game, I have rested enough after five years,” he said.

Although Borriello still has a role with Ibiza, he expressed a desire for greater responsibility. This intention, he shares, motivates him to continue learning to prepare for serious work later on.

Borriello greatly appreciates the influence of Gasperini in his career, citing him as a vital source of inspiration. “He is a football master for me. I could have become a top goal scorer with him,” Borriello expressed.

He further spoke highly of Antonio Conte, labelling him as the best from a tactical perspective. By drawing upon his experiences with both, Borriello commends Gasperini and Conte for their mastery and tact in the sport.

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