Berardi second only to Lautaro for best shots-to-goals ratio in Serie A

Sassuolo striker Domenico Berardi is stirring the field with shining performances in Italy’s Serie A, hinting he could be considered the best attacker. Some may argue this assertion is overstated. However, the figures advocate for the Sassuolo forward’s exceptional precision and cold-bloodedness on the pitch.

Presently in the league, if you exclude Lautaro Martinez, Berardi rises to the top in terms of shots-to-goal ratio . Of the total opportunities seized, the 26-year-old forward has had precisely 23 attempts on target and managed to score 9 goals, representing an impressive conversion rate of 39%.

Berardi’s form evidently shows an exemplary degree of sharpness and efficiency, contributing significantly to Sassuolo’s competitive edge in the demanding Serie A landscape. Making more than a moderate impression, the striker’s figures speak louder than words, painting a clear picture of his unfolding rise in Italian football.

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