Albertini: “Italy and Turkey to host Euro 2032? It’s only fair, we’ve been trying for years”

Demetrio Albertini, former midfielder, spoke to the microphones of Radio Serie A about the assignment of the 2032 European Football Championship to Italy and Turkey.

“The European Championship in 2032 in Italy and Turkey? It’s right like this because we have been trying for many years and we haven’t succeeded for several reasons. The last time we hosted a home event was during the 1990 World Cup. With Turkey, there will be all the necessary synergies to make a fantastic competition. First of all, we need to analyze what we are and we must be prepared to accept the difficulties that currently distinguish us. It should be remembered that in the 1990s we had the most followed and evolved championship of all: today it is not the same, even though we remain very attractive, as foreign funds investing in our country demonstrate. The first difficulty is the infrastructure: today the stadiums are not up to par and bureaucracy blocks any type of investment and modernization. It takes many years to plan what is the future of our stadiums and I think this is the biggest problem. The second is the reform of football and the championships in particular, we should not only discuss numbers but also create a systematic project that I hoped for in my candidacy in 2014″…

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