Ag. Yildiz: Dreams of a Juventus journey like Del Piero’s

Hector Peris Ros, the agent of Juventus’ young talent, Kenan Yildiz, has shared some insights on the player’s journey and his ambitions in an interview with Tuttosport.

Ros credited Matteo Tognozzi with Yildiz’s signing, saying, “Matteo Tognozzi did an outstanding job: it is thanks to him that Yildiz is at Juventus today. He knew him perfectly. When he got the information he didn’t lose time, although Juve was finalising the sale of De Ligt to Bayern Munich during those days.”

Their talks with Juventus began around the time Ros met Yildiz; the club also seemed keen on giving young Yildiz a chance in the Next Gen. However, they faced many challenges.

“The first few months were tough; we, including the player, were under the impression that he was playing on a stage not sufficiently competitive enough,” Hector continued, explaining that there had been moments of tension tied to the uncertainty of moving to train with the first team.

After initial struggles around the time when the club was changing ownership, the situation seemed to settle. “We clearly knew Yildiz’s level,” Ros stated confidently.

In addition to discussing Yildiz’s journey to the first team, Hector Peris Ros also highlighted the player’s relationship with Juventus legend Del Piero. “Their direct contact has been established for a long time. After the goal against Frosinone that Yildiz practised many times in training, they even communicated. Kenan understands Del Piero’s value at Juventus and has listened to his advice.”

Ros indicated Yildiz’s admiration for Del Piero, saying he “imagines and dreams of a career like that”. The agent affirmed, “The truth is Yildiz was ready, is ready, and will be ready: physically, technically, and mentally. He has been preparing for a top position since he was little.”

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