Zenga reflects on Mihajlovic: A true friend who helped me a lot

Former Sampdoria teammate and friend, Walter Zenga, has shared fond memories of the former Bologna head coach, Sinisa Mihajlovic. Zenga expressed his sentiments in an interview with Tuttosport.

“Ricordo”, he shared, translates to “I remember”, expressing his deep connection with his friend. He referred to Sinisa as “brate”, a Serbian term denoting brotherhood. He candidly admitted to the difficulty he faces when talking about Mihajlovic, whose experiences alongside those of Gianluca Vialli, have left him in disbelief. “It’s very sad talking about them in these terms.”

When speaking about “Sinisa”, Zenga shared how Mihajlovic has always been a true friend, a person with whom he shared numerous experiences beyond their time at Sampdoria. They also had shared experiences at Red Star when Zenga was the coach there. When Zenga moved to Belgrade in 2005, Mihajlovic was there offering invaluable advice and protection, a notable act considering Zenga was the first foreign coach in the club’s history.

Zenga communicated his warm memories, reflecting on their consistent friendship, even during periods of silence. His tale provides a poignant tribute, highlighting Mihajlovic’s great impact not only as a professional associate but also as a cherished friend.

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