Zazzaroni: Napoli’s drama will come in January

Football journalist Ivan Zazzaroni has voiced concerns about the potential issues Napoli football team might face with the advent of the new year. During his appearance on Radio Kiss Kiss, Zazzaroni opened up about the possible predicaments the club may encounter.

Zazzaroni’s remarks included, “The true sporting drama for the azzurri will be the period of the Africa Cup of Nations without Osimhen and Anguissa; that’s when difficulties will arise.” He expressed apprehension over the impending absence of key players due to international duty, hinting at a potentially challenging time ahead for the club.

Furthermore, he discussed the upcoming decision regarding the Italian Super Cup matches. “Tomorrow, the suspense over the games of the Italian Super Cup will end, we will know the dates and find out if it will be brought forward or delayed,” Zazzaroni said. This suggests that there is certain anticipation and anxiety revolving around the scheduling of these crucial matches.

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