Zazzaroni: Mourinho unbound at Roma, owes no apologies

Ivan Zazzaroni, the director of Corriere dello Sport, has addressed the potential suspension of José Mourinho following his comments ahead of the Sassuolo-Roma match. In his editorial in Corriere dello Sport, Zazzaroni scrutinizes the controversy sparked by Mourinho’s comments and arguably calls for leniency.

Zazzaroni’s editorial reads, “Josè free. And if for once football does not punish Mourinho? And if it proves stronger than words, especially those uttered by a professional who in more than twenty years at the highest level has seen, heard, and suffered all kinds of things? And if the referees finally set aside their annoying and anti-historical susceptibility to both direct and indirect pressures and provocations?”

Zazzaroni elaborates that he closely followed the Italian language press conference of the Roma coach and appreciated the point that Mourinho did not apologize to Marcenaro: the apologies were not due, according to him. In his comments, Mourinho had referred to the concept of mental stability.

Interestingly, Zazzaroni draws a parallel to a recent occurrence of the government reconsidering the introduction of aptitude tests for entrance into the judiciary. He suggests that the referee is the judge on the field and therefore advises those tests for them. However, he also points out that VAR technology has become a part of sporting justice, imposing new responsibilities.

Zazzaroni’s editorials provide his personal perspective on matters, opening a conversation on the role of technology in sports and the pressure faced by professionals in the field. Notably, his call for overlooking Mourinho’s controversial comments opens up a wider debate on the treatment of football professionals by the governing bodies and the media.

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