Zazzaroni claims: Inter’s support with Marotta is no surprise

Ivan Zazzaroni, the editor of Corriere dello Sport, addressed allegations of favourable refereeing towards Inter Milan in recent Serie A matches during an appearance on the show Pressing.

He dismissed claims that the football establishment is assisting Inter, a theory reportedly popular among Juventus supporters. Instead, he believes that Inter’s success is down to its skilled leadership.

According to Corriere dello Sport, Zazzaroni said, “I don’t think the establishment is helping Inter, I think Inter has a director who outclasses everyone else because he is much more capable than the others.”

He was highly complimentary of the individual in question, lauding their ability to manage complex situations and relationships. He described them as the key figure behind Inter’s control over potential tricky situations amidst the high-flying presidencies of the current times.

Speaking to Pressing, Zazzaroni commented that, “This is an absolute fact. He is more skilled and better than others. He knows how to communicate and manage complicated situations.”

In conclusion, Zazzaroni praised the team’s strength and reiterated his belief in their deservedness of first place in Serie A. He said that while he acknowledges the exceptional capabilities of their leader, he doesn’t believe there’s any controversy regarding their standing: “There is no shadow, it’s the strongest team and I continue to say it.”

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