Zaccagni’s Agent Blasts: Lotito Has Disappeared Ahead of Summer…

Mario Giuffredi, agent to Mattia Zaccagni, has spoken out about the latter’s future with Lazio in the upcoming transfer window. In a recent conversation with Il Corriere di Roma, Giuffredi shared his thoughts and concerns about the eventual departure of his client.

“I have not heard from the club for forty days,” revealed Giuffredi. The agent’s comment sparked speculations about the player’s future at the Italian club. The exact meaning behind this statement is open to interpretation, but many fans are concluding that this could signal Zaccagni’s eventual departure from Lazio.

At this stage, Giuffredi confessed that he was unsure about the intentions of the club’s president, stressing, “I do not know if Lotito has…”, leaving the sentence unfinished and thus adding fuel to the rumour mill around Zaccagni’s future.

However, without more information, it’s difficult to predict what will happen in the transfer window. As it stands, the situation remains up in the air and the fans are keen to learn more about the future of Mattia Zaccagni at Lazio.

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