Vojvoda: 100 appearances for Torino a great emotion

Torino footballer, Mergim Vojvoda, has overcome a significant milestone, amassing a remarkable 100 appearances for the club. He has recently spoken about this achievement on Toro Channel.

Vojvoda spoke expressively about the immense pride he felt on reaching the hundred mark, not only personally but also within his family. “Reaching this milestone with one club isn’t an easy task”, Vojvoda said on Toro Channel.

Reminiscing about his debut against Fiorentina in 2020, he described that moment as greatly emotional. Nonetheless, the absence of fans due to the Covid restrictions remained a regretful aspect of his debut.

The Torino player indicated his future ambitions, stating, “The goal is to provide more assists and score more goals, I work a lot on this.” He further expressed his desire to notch up “five goals and 6-7 assists”.

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