Venice, Vanoli: “An extraordinary first half of the season”

Paolo Vanoli, Venezia’s manager, expressed his satisfaction following his side’s draw against Feralpisalò.

Speaking to Sky Sport after the match, Vanoli took the opportunity to praise his players for their performance. He said, “I commend the guys for what we’re doing. These are games that teach us how to stand tall.”

Despite finding some positives in the match, Vanoli did indicate his team’s underperformance in the first half. He believed that they didn’t perform “as usual” during that period.

Summarising the team’s performance over the last four games as continuous effort, Vanoli underlined that there was “never a lack of performance.”

When asked to describe the first half of the season, Vanoli simply called it “extraordinary.” He reminded everyone where they were a year ago, indicating a significant improvement in the team’s performance.

The Venezia coach ended on a hopeful note, saying, “I close my eyes and hope for a bit of rest.” Vanoli’s wish for rest likely indicates his awareness of the demanding schedule ahead for his team.

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