Turkey, Montella: Calhanoglu currently best midfielder in Italy, possibly the world

Turkey’s head coach, Vincenzo Montella, has commented at the sidelines of the International Euro Mediterranean 2023 Award event.

Montella said during his speech that “we are five Italian coaches at the European championships, and it is pleasing to be recognised as a distinguished group abroad”, adding that he has always supported fellow Italians in foreign leagues. He avoided making predictions about the Italy group and declined to comment on its composition.

Regarding Hakan Calhanoglu, Montella praised the star player stating: “He is currently the best midfielder in Italy, perhaps in the world”. He expressed happiness for the movement and noted that it was a historic first-time victory for the team in the qualifying group phase.

Montella went on to discuss the upcoming preparations for the high-level European Championships, implying that the competition will be tighter than ever before. He acknowledged the pressure involved but looked forward to making an impact and making their compatriots proud. He referred to the recent match in Germany, highlighting the immense support from their fans.

Montella’s latest comments, taken from his speech at the International Euro Mediterranean 2023 Award ceremony, indicate an encouraging outlook for the Turkish team as they prepare for future contests. His praise for Calhanoglu underlines the star player’s impact on the field and underlines the high hopes invested in the Turkish squad. The forthcoming European Championship will indeed be another crucial platform for the team to express their prowess and rally their fan base.

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