Turin, Juric open to contract renewal: the latest

Ivan Juric, the manager of Torino, is not ruling out a contract extension. This follows comments from the club’s President Cairo aimed at finding a mutual path forward.

Despite recent fluctuations in form and tension with the fans over results, Torino is starting to regain its stride. The match against Atalanta was a stark demonstration of the team’s potential. The club president is keen to develop a project for the future that also includes the manager. With a good part of the season still to go, things currently appear to be running smoothly for the club. These latest developments are reported by Tuttosport.

President Cairo’s recent remarks have sparked discussions on the manager’s future at the club. Although Juric has not committed to a contract extension, he also hasn’t dismissed the possibility. This suggests that Juric is still open to discussions regarding his role in the club’s future endeavors.

The team’s current form and recent match against Atalanta demonstrate their potential. If this momentum can be maintained, it may fortify Juric’s position within Torino. However, the response from the fans and final season outcomes will also play a significant role in the final decision.

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